How to Create an Ecofriendly Business Strategy

Many small business owners are inspired by the green movement that is becoming more popular every day. The satisfaction that can be gained from not only creating a successful product but doing it in a way that has a positive impact on the environment can make all of the work creating an ecofriendly business takes worth the effort. Creating a successful ecofriendly business strategy can seem overwhelming at first, but if you follow these basic steps, you will avoid becoming overwhelmed with the process.

The most important part of establishing an ecofriendly business plan is also the first step you should complete and can sometimes take the longest. It is important not to copy someone else’s strategies if you want to create a plan that will be long lasting and work for your unique company. Whether you are creating a whole new product to sell on the green market, or just looking to incorporate green workplace practices and transform an existing product into one that is more ecofriendly, you should always start with what you know best. If you are passionate about your product and committed to making ecofriendly choices for your company, creating an ecofriendly business plan will feel more like an exciting learning experience and less like a chore.

Once you have researched the best way to turn your business into a green business and have invested in the products that help you create ecofriendly products, you will need to work on obtaining certification so that you can legally market your product to consumers. After all, besides wanting to reduce the chances your product will have a negative impact on the environment, consumer demand for products that are ecofriendly are getting a lot of attention from environmentally conscious consumers and advertisers. Being able to sell your product with advertising and packaging that says certified ecofriendly or certified green will help increase your sales and in many cases allow you to raise the cost of your item to accommodate any increase in production costs associated with producing a more ecofriendly item.

There are both domestic and international certifications you can apply for that all have their own guidelines that must be followed to receive a certified status. Most of these certifications apply to a specific type of product. For instance, in the United States, energy efficient appliances can receive and Energy Star rating while produce and other foods are evaluated and classified as organic by the Department of Agriculture. Many international groups exist as well. The best way to find out the requirements for each certification is to contact the individual groups directly through their websites.

Finally, creating an ecofriendly product is one thing, but running an ecofriendly business is another thing entirely. Companies who sell ecofriendly products should also take every possible step they can to make sure that the way they run their business is ecofriendly too. Every part of your business should be ecofriendly. Recycle in all your office and plant locations, do business with other eco-friendly companies, and even encourage your employees to commute in a more earth friendly way by offering incentives to people who bike or car pool to work.

Written by L. Reaves for Beacon Hill Associates, Inc., found at – an environmental insurance broker and program administrator focusing on specialty insurance related to the environment and pollution.